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Humanitarian Parole

What is Humanitarian Parole?

Humanitarian parole is a discretionary mechanism provided under U.S. immigration law that allows individuals to enter or remain in the USA for compelling humanitarian reasons. It is not a visa or a permanent immigration status but rather a temporary measure granted on a case-by-case basis.

Here are key points regarding humanitarian parole:

  1. Purpose: Humanitarian parole is typically granted for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit. Common scenarios where humanitarian parole might be considered include medical emergencies, family reunification in cases of severe illness or death, and other situations involving substantial humanitarian concerns.
  2. Application Process: Individuals seeking humanitarian parole must submit a formal application to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The application should include a detailed explanation of the humanitarian reasons justifying the request, along with supporting documentation.
  3. Discretionary Decision: USCIS has the discretion to approve or deny humanitarian parole requests based on the merits of each case. The decision is made on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the compelling humanitarian reasons presented by the applicant.
  4. Temporary Status: Humanitarian parole does not grant permanent residence or any long-term immigration status. It is a temporary measure that allows an individual to stay in the U.S. for a specific period to address the immediate humanitarian concern.
  5. Duration: The duration of humanitarian parole is typically limited to the time necessary to address the humanitarian situation. Once the circumstances that led to the grant of humanitarian parole cease to exist, the individual is expected to depart from the United States.
  6. Work Authorization: Individuals granted humanitarian parole may be eligible for employment authorization during the period of parole. However, this is not automatic, and the individual must separately apply for work authorization.

Our Expertise and Services

Assessing Eligibility: Our skilled attorneys and paralegals will evaluate your eligibility and guide you through the various options available to bring your family members to the United States. We talk in different languages for your comfort like English, Bangla, Hindi & Urdu.
Document Preparation: We assist you in gathering the required documentation, ensuring that all forms and supporting evidence are accurately completed and submitted in a timely manner.
Petition Filing: Our team will handle the preparation, filing, and tracking of your family visa petition, advocating for your loved one’s immigration rights at every step of the process.
Communication and Representation: We communicate with relevant immigration authorities on your behalf, responding to any requests for additional evidence or interviews, and providing legal representation throughout the proceedings.

Follow-up Assistance

After the visa/petition is approved, we offer guidance on the next steps, including adjustment of status or consular processing, to help your family members smoothly transition to life in the United States.

At Mehran Law, We understand the importance of keeping families together, no matter where they come from. Our dedicated team of experienced immigration attorneys and paralegals will be navigating the complex process of USA family visas, ensuring that you can bring your loved ones closer to you.

Immigration Law can vary from person to person and also be very complex. You should always contact an experienced immigration attorney before filing a petition or making a decision. Contact us at 470-800-9213 or [email protected] for a free consultation.